Big Brothers Big Sisters is Coming to Boothbay!
Boothbay Region Elementary School is excited to partner with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine and the Boothbay Community Center to start an after-school mentoring program for elementary-age students! This is a unique opportunity for students to have one-on-one time each week with an adult mentor who can provide consistent support, positive role-modeling, guidance, and friendship! The pilot program will run during the school calendar year on Wednesdays and will meet after early-dismissal, from 1:50 to 3 p.m. at the Community Center. Parents/Guardians or a designated adult with permission will be responsible for pick up at 3 p.m.
Elementary school students will take the school bus to the Community Center, where they will be met by their Big Sister or Big Brother. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine mentors are adult volunteers from the community who have been carefully interviewed, screened and trained by BBBS of Mid-Maine’s programming staff. Bigs and Littles are matched based on shared interests and personality traits. The mission of BBBS is to provide one-to-one mentoring to nurture children and help them realize their greatest potential!
Each week at the Community Center the matches will take part in arts & crafts, board games, reading books, doing puzzles and other activities they choose that help form a trusting bond with each other. Professional BBBS of Mid-Maine staff provide regular, on-site support to Big and Little matches to ensure child safety, strong and enduring relationships and provide guidance and support along the way.
Applications for the first matches will be accepted from now until February 18th. If you are interested in enrolling your student and completing an application, please contact Kim Dionne at the elementary school or Lisa Wilson at BBBS of Mid-Maine, 207-236-2227 ext. 103 You can also learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters at