

You are invited to a meeting of the Boothbay Region Schools Building Exploratory Sub-Committees — Thursday, May 19th at 5:15pm. PLEASE JOIN US either in-person in the High School Library or on Zoom (with this link.)

Topic: Communications Sub Committee

Time: May 19, 2022 05:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Please email us for Zoom link

The purpose of this meeting is to briefly review the K-12 building conditions and begin to plan how best to communicate to the community these conditions, as well as the repair and re-building proposals. Our architects will be at this meeting to present their latest plans and will be able to answer your questions and respond to any thoughts you may have.

We are considering several open community meetings, with school tours this summer. We also hope to offer additional tours and community forums during the fall and winter as well as communicate via the newspaper and social media outlets. 

What do you think? We very much want to hear all ideas and concerns. 

Whether you were initially interested in the “Communications Sub-Committee” specifically or one of the other Sub-Committees, your input is welcomed and valued. We hope that this meeting will be a chance to “re-group” and re-organize!

Please invite anyone you know who may be interested, as well as email us with any questions you may have.


Steve Lorrain


Abby Jones