
An RFQ and the Master Plan…

Below is the Request for Qualifications that was recently advertised in the Portland Press, Kennebec Journal, Boothbay Register, Wiscasset Newspaper and Lincoln County Newspapers.  It is available in print as well as on line through the newspaper sites and our website.

As you can see, we are seeking guidance to create the Master Plan for the school campus.  What do we want, what’s the best use of our buildings, how do we best meet the needs of our students now and in the future?  This will be an extensive process that includes the schools, teachers, students, school board, and community members.  This is only the first step in the process.

We welcome community members to learn more about our schools by attending any of our school board and trustees meetings.  All of the meeting agendas and minutes are available to the public on our website

Request for Qualifications

Information for Architects and Engineers

The Trustees of Community School District (CSD), who have responsibility for the two schools of Boothbay Region Elementary School and Boothbay Region High School, wishes to procure architectural/engineering services for the Campus Master Planning at the current campus in Boothbay Harbor, Maine.

The new Master Plan is intended to be an essential tool to help guide the Trustee’s decisions 
regarding space utilization, new construction and renovation, future demographics, vehicular 
circulation, accessibility, parking, and land development.  The selected firm will assess the 
current manner in which the two school’s facilities and infrastructure currently serve the 
constituent needs and how the CSD might better utilize these facilities to meet present and future operational needs.  The plan should also assist the CSD adapt to unanticipated opportunities and challenges.

A.    The Campus Master Plan will outline clear issues, needs and goals for the coming years. The plan will include all academic, recreational, and athletic facilities.  The scope of this project will include a review, assessment and reports on the following areas:

1.    The existing conditions of campus facilities with a detailed inventory of findings.

2.    Existing space utilization and organization of the campus facilities based on actual program and administrative use.

3.   Campus security, safety, accessibility and ADA needs as well as compliance with current state and federal requirements.

4.   Grounds utilization, including pedestrian/vehicular circulation, parking, landscaping, signage and federal requirements.

5.    Interview of school administrators and other key stakeholders for input on evaluation of 
existing conditions, use and needs.

6.   Providing a vision on how the existing facilities could be modified to meet the needs of the projected student enrollment in a 21st century learning environment.  The vision should be for calendar year 2025 and 2035.

B.  Using all available information provided and developed, produce a comprehensive Campus Master Plan document.  The document will:

1.    Provide guidance in decisions regarding facilities, design, and land use that help meet 
current needs and future needs as well as enhance the quality of academic and student life.

a.    Project short and long-range capital needs while providing an dynamic plan for continuous progress.

b.   Point out deficiencies and outline opportunities.

c.    Offer comprehensive solutions and presenting an agenda for accomplishing the required 

2.    Provide and or make recommendations for:

a.    Overall campus design

b.   Space allocation and utilization

c.    Campus facilities, including academic, athletic and recreational

d.   Lifecycle costing of facilities

e.   Campus safety, security and accessibility/ADA

f.    Pedestrian and vehicular circulation, roadways and parking

g.   Landscaping and green space, including preservation of natural areas

h.   Signage

i.     Identification of current and anticipated facility/capital requirements and preparation of a 
plan for the development of the campus to address those needs

3.    In addition to the written plan the selected firm will lead presentations and discussion of 
recommendations with school officials and other key stakeholders.

4.    Produce a digital copy of the completed report that can be accessed from the Owner’s website

5.    The firm may be required to coordinate this work or additional work with other consultants contracted by the Owner.

Interested firms should submit a paper copy of a Letter of Interest with a Statement of 
Qualifications which includes the firm’s;

A.    Qualifications to undertake this project

B.    List of projects that demonstrate the firm’s capabilities

C.    List of recently completed work of similar type and size projects, with client contact 
information for each project

D.   Profiles of key personnel who would be involved in the project

E.   Statement of current workload and ability to absorb the project

F.   Documented experience with budgets, estimating and project cost control

G.   List of business references other than those listed above, including contact information

The Letter of Interest and Statement of Qualifications should be sent to Dr. Keith Laser, Ed.D., 
Superintendent of Schools, AOS 98, 51 Emery Lane, Boothbay Harbor, Maine, 04538, so as to be 
received no later than 1:00 PM on Wednesday, September 25, 2019.

Firms responding will be screened and interviewed on the basis of qualifications only.  Project

fees and specific design solutions for this project will not be discussed at the interview.  
Specific program information will not be available before the screening of qualification packages.  
The selection committee will rank all firms and negotiate fees with the highest ranked firm.

Architect-Engineer Procurement Process

The standard procurement process of Architect and Engineer design services for public improvements 
is a Qualification Based Selection process per statute (Title 5, §1742 subsection

6) described briefly here.

1.    The advertisement of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is the initial step in the process 
after the Agency assures that the project itself approved and funded.  A clear scope of services 
statement is an essential component of the advertisement.

2.    Interested firms respond to the RFQ as described below, submitting the Letter of Interest and Statement of Qualifications to the Selection Committee.

3.   The Selections Committee screens all submissions and invites the most qualified firms to 
interview for the project, typically three to five firms.

4.   The Selection Committee interviews the firm.  Second interviews may be scheduled. References 
are checked.

5.   The Selection Committee ranks all of the interviewed firms.  The Committee negotiates an agreement with the highest ranked firm based on the scope of professional services identified in the RFQ and interview.

6.   The agreement must be approved by the CSD Trustees before work commences.

7.   A BREM Architect/Engineer Agreement is drafted.

8.   The agreement must be approved by BREM before work commences.