Greetings Parents,
Attached is a letter to notify you of a situation that we are dealing with as a school today and need your help with. We are sharing this in multiple forms to ensure that as many people as possible are getting this letter. Please encourage your family, neighbors, and friends to update their e-mail with our front office staff. As I mentioned in my parent letter this summer- I will be communicating with you all through digitals means.
My Best,
Shawna Kurr
September 16, 2019
Dear BRES Families,
On Sunday evening, a concerned community member brought forward a social media posting where a student at BRES made a generalized threat to the safety of our school on Snapchat. Once notified, Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office began an investigation. In today’s climate, safety is our number one concern. Making threats, even general or joking in nature, is serious and will be taken seriously by the school and law enforcement.
I am asking for your help! Please talk with your children about the seriousness of making any type of threat. Threats are never tolerated and the climate it creates is sometimes not repairable. Whether a child perceived making a threat as a joke or a meaningless act, making threats could result in suspension, expulsion and/or charges criminal in nature. We also ask that you help your child understand the negative impacts of posting or sharing these types of threats in our school and community at large. This can cause the spread of misinformation, fear, and disruption to learning.
As a school we are going to take advantage of this learning opportunity. Digital Citizenship is part of our curriculum, however, we will take this occasion to reiterate the importance of being safe online, the power of our words, and basic safety themes related to threats. Lastly, please reach out if you see or hear something that doesn’t seem quite right. If you see something- say something! It truly takes a village to teach, support, and keep our children safe and learning these important life lessons.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me.
My Best,
Shawna M. Kurr